Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
2076-0655 (print)
Periodicity (English)

Issue: 4 number a year

Russian science citation index:
Yes 9619
Russian higher attestation Commission:
Yes K2

The articles in the journal “Technology and Technology of Silicates” are designed according to the Layout of the article. Layout of the article can be downloaded on the website of the journal.

The volume of the article (including formulas, tables, figures, bibliographic list, captions to figures and tables) should be from 5 to 8 pages of printed text, designed in accordance with the following requirements.

The articles are submitted in doc or docx format A-4, portrait orientation, margins: top and bottom - 1.1 cm; side margins - 1.6 cm, font size - Times New Roman. The font size of the main text - 10, line spacing - single line, paragraph - 0.5 cm, width alignment, hyphenation only in the text of the article - “auto”, in the title of the article hyphenation of words is not allowed.

The article is submitted in Russian and English on the journal's website or by e-mail to the journal info@tsilicates.ru. The article file should contain an abstract, keywords (5-8 words), the text of the article with the title, surnames and data of the authors, as well as a list of references. The title of the file should contain the words Article TTS followed by the surname of the first author, month and year of submission in MMGY format (e.g., Article TTS Ivanov- 0923.docx).

The abstract should contain from 100 to 250 words. The abstract should include: description of the object of research, methods of research, main scientific results and give the reader an idea of the content of the article without familiarizing with the full text. The text of the original and translated abstract may differ.

According to the IMRAD standard, an article should contain the following elements:

- Introduction, which formulates the relevance of the research and describes the object of research. A review of the world literature with the indication of researchers, on the results of which the work is based, as well as confirming the lack of solutions to this problem in the literature. Based on the conducted literature analysis, the aim and objectives of the study are formulated.

- Materials and Methods. This section describes the materials in detail, gives their chemical, mineralogical, particle size distribution, etc., and describes the chosen research methods. The method should be described in such a way that it can be reproduced.

- Results and discussion. It is recommended to present the results mainly in the form of tables, graphs and other illustrations. This section includes analysis of the results obtained, their interpretation, comparison with the results of other authors.

The formulas should be executed in the built-in formula editor MS Word. Greek and Russian letters should be typed in straight type, Latin letters - in italics (in chemical formulas for chemical elements - in straight type). Formulas are placed in the center of the page. If there are references to formulas in the text, numbering is required (on the right). It is not allowed to insert formulas in the form of a figure!

The table is formed in Word (Excel is not allowed) and should not extend beyond the page boundaries. The font in the table is 9 pt (table alignment - “centered”, indentation - “none”, cell alignment - “centered”). It is not allowed to insert the table as a figure!

The illustrations should be presented in the form of figures and graphs with high resolution (300 dpi) in jpeg, png format. The figure and its caption should be inserted into the text of the article, caption font is 9 pt. Graphs generated in Excel or other data processing program are inserted into the text as a picture without linking to the program. Figures and captions are duplicated in separate files.

- Conclusion. This section briefly summarizes the results of the scientific research or provides numbered conclusions summarizing the main scientific results of the article.  Conclusions should logically correspond to the objectives set at the beginning of the article.

- Acknowledgments or acknowledgements, optional section.

- Reference.       The list of references for a scientific article should include at least 15-25 scientific publications available to a wide range of readers, including English-language publications. The list of literature for the review article should include at least 25-50 scientific publications available to a wide range of readers, including English-language. The composition of sources should be relevant and contain at least 60% of articles from scientific journals not older than 10 years. Within the limitation of self-citation, the sources should not include more than 10% of sources authored or co-authored by the authors of the article.

Formatting of the list of references. The author provides the list of references in two versions: in Russian and in English.

The list of references in Russian should be formatted in accordance with GOST 7.0.5-2008. The list of references is compiled in the order of mentioning. The number of the source in the text is enclosed in square brackets. The text of the article should contain references to all sources from the reference list.

The list of references in Latin includes transliteration and translation of sources and is arranged in accordance with the requirements according to the following principles. A period is used as a separator in the description. The title of the source is italicized. The symbol No. is used to indicate the issue of the journal, Vol. is used to indicate the volume, p. or Pp. is used to indicate the pages.

For Russian-language sources, the title of the article is translated into English, and the title of the publication itself is transliterated. The title of the journal is always italicized.

If an article has a DOI, it must be indicated. The name of the city, publication is given in full, in English spelling. The names of journals and publishers are given either in official English (if available) or transliterated. At the end of the source description, the language of the source (in Russian) is indicated in parentheses.

The data on the authors are given at the end of the article in Russian and English. They include surname, first name and patronymic (in full), position, name of the organization, academic degree and title (if any), e-mail.

Contact information (phone number, e-mail and work address) is indicated in the author's card. The author's card is filled out separately for each author (download on the website).

The editors of the journal “Technique and Technology of Silicates” are committed to maintaining high standards through rigorous peer review and strict ethical policies. The editors take any violations of professional ethical standards such as plagiarism, fraudulent use of data, fictitious claims of authorship very seriously.

The editors of the journal “Technique and Technology of Silicates” follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Code of Conduct and COPE flowcharts to resolve instances of alleged misconduct.

The editors of the journal “Technique and Technology of Silicates” complies with the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors. The editors of the journal “Technique and Technology of Silicates” follow the COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

The editors of the journal “Technique and Technology of Silicates” adheres to the International standards for editors and authors, the recommendations of The European Association of Science Editors (EASE), Guidelines for retracting articles and COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers.

All participants of the process (authors, reviewers, members of the editorial board, editors of the publishing house) of preparing materials for publication in the journal “Technique and Technology of Silicates” - must follow the standards of publication ethics. Authors should be aware of possible conflicts of interest and in such a case authors can still take responsibility for the accuracy of their article. In cases where it is suspected that any of the described principles have been violated, the editorial team of the publisher will follow COPE's instructions.

All scientific articles submitted to the editorial office of the journal “Technique and Technology of Silicates” undergo technical expertise and reviewing.

Technical expertise takes 3-4 working days, during which the article is checked for:

- correspondence to the thematic directions of the journal;

- plagiarism;

- quality of design;

- availability of a complete set of documents.

An article may be returned for revision or rejected if the requirements for technical expertise are violated. After the technical expertise, the article is sent for review.

The articles are reviewed by members of the editorial board, leading scientists and recognized experts in the relevant field of knowledge from various universities of the Russian Federation. The decision to choose one or another reviewer for reviewing an article is made by the Editor-in-Chief. In case the Editorial Board has no possibility to involve a specialist of the proper level in the field of knowledge to which the content of the manuscript belongs, the Editorial Board addresses the author with a proposal to provide a list of specialists who could perform the review at the proper level.

It takes at least three weeks for the reviewers to review the article.

After correcting the reviewer's comments, the author sends the corrected text of the article to the editorial office of the journal.

All the articles submitted for publication in the Journal of Silicate Engineering and Technology undergo a rigorous and thorough peer review process. The review process is blind. If a manuscript is accepted for full review, it will be checked by at least two external reviewers.

Submitted articles undergo a detailed initial review, including a plagiarism check, by the editorial board. The Editor-in-Chief together with the Editorial Board is responsible for the review process. It starts with a preliminary review by the editor (ends no more than 3 days after manuscript submission), after which the article is submitted to the reviewer.

If there is a conflict of interest, the Reviewer shall warn the editorial office about it before starting work with the article.

The reviewer does not transfer information about the article and the data it contains to third parties.

The reviewer does not use the information obtained from the article for personal and commercial purposes.

After acceptance of the manuscript for full review, the editor collects at least two reviews and prepares a decision letter based on the reviewers' comments (finalized not more than 3 weeks after the preliminary review). The decision letter is sent to the author in charge of correspondence, requesting an appropriate revision (re-reviewed if necessary). The author will be asked to format the manuscript according to the article layout before it is submitted to the publisher for typesetting and proofreading. The author will receive the article in PDF format, created by the journal editorial team, for checking before it is published online.

The print run of the magazine is distributed by subscription: Russian Post (Subscription index in the unified catalog “Press of Russia” - 87947); LLC “Agency for Distribution of Foreign Publications - ARZI”

For questions on purchasing individual issues can contact the editorial office.

The cost of one copy of the magazine is 3500 rubles.

Forwarding of an author's copy within Russia - 300 rubles, to neighboring countries - depending on the cost of postal services

The Journal “Technique and Technology of Silicates” makes great efforts to provide quality service include a number of steps such as editing, proofreading, quality assurance, website maintenance, plagiarism checking and many other aspects. Article processing fees justify the work that needs to be done before any manuscript is accepted for publication.

The Journal “Technique and Technology of Silicates” is a separate organization and does not receive any funding from any institution/government. A peer-reviewed, edited and formatted manuscript ready for publication requires a processing fee. The functioning of the journal is supported by the funds received in the form of subscription and publication registration fees received from the authors. The fees cover the costs of journal production, web hosting, CMS, database, online repository, archiving, reviewing, editing, and our staff expenses, salaries, internet services, electricity, etc.

The Journal “Technique and Technology of Silicates” has established a registration fee for article submission.

The amount of the registration fee is:

1. When paid by an individual - 15000 (ten thousand) rubles

2. If paid by a legal entity - 20000 (twenty thousand) rubles

If there is a need for additional processing of illustrations, graphs, etc., as well as translation of the article into English, the author may be billed for this work.

Publication fees can be paid through different channels. It can be paid by authors, research institutes or funding agencies on behalf of authors.


The registration fee can be paid via the following details:

Name of the organization: Individual entrepreneur SAMCHENKO SVETLANA VASILIEVNA

Organization TIN: 772831487408

Current account number: 40802810938000236348

Name of the bank: PJSC Sberbank

Correspondent account: 30101810400000000225

BIK: 044525225

Editorial Board  — Editorial
Russian Federation
Krivoborodov Yuri  — Chief Editor
Moscow, Russian Federation
Kouznetsova Tamara  — Consulting Editor
Moscow, Russian Federation
Gusev Boris  — Member of the Editorial Board
Russian Federation
Burlov Yuri  — Member of the Editorial Board
Russian Federation
Krasnyi Boris  — Member of the Editorial Board
Russian Federation
Sigaev Vladimir  — Member of the Editorial Board
Russian Federation
Solncev Stanislav  — Member of the Editorial Board
Russian Federation
Belyakov Aleksei  — Member of the Editorial Board
Russian Federation
Bobkova Ninel  — Member of the Editorial Board
Borisov Ivan  — Member of the Editorial Board
Russian Federation
Buryanov Aleksandr  — Member of the Editorial Board
Russian Federation
Vereshchagin Vladimir  — Member of the Editorial Board
Russian Federation
Erofeev Vladimir  — Member of the Editorial Board
Russian Federation
Kurdovski Veslav  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kolesnikov Aleksandr  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kondrashchenko Valerii  — Member of the Editorial Board
Russian Federation
Korshunov Andrei  — Member of the Editorial Board
Russian Federation
Maceevich Tatyana  — Member of the Editorial Board
Russian Federation
Niyazbekova Rimma  — Member of the Editorial Board
Paleari Alberto  — Member of the Editorial Board
Potapova Ekaterina  — Member of the Editorial Board
Russian Federation
Petropavlovskaya Viktoriya  — Member of the Editorial Board
Russian Federation
Samchenko Svetlana  — Member of the Editorial Board
Moscow State (National Research) University of Civil Engineering (Department “Technology of Binders and Concretes”, Professor of the Department)
doctor of technical sciences
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Sanicki Miroslav  — Member of the Editorial Board
Russian Federation
Ushkov Valentin  — Member of the Editorial Board
Russian Federation
Fedyuk Roman  — Member of the Editorial Board
Russian Federation
Individual Entrepreneur Svetlana Vasilievna Samchenko
IP Svetlana V. Samchenko
The certificate of registration of the periodical
ПИ № ФС77-81382

The Journal of Technique and Technology of Silicates is published since 1994. It publishes relevant materials on the problems of modern production, information on economic and financial issues, science and technology news, reports of new raw materials and products. Journal provides support for students, doctoral students, young scientists and specialists of industry and publishes their works on a wide range of questions of technique and technology of silicates in the first place.

The articles in the journal “Technology and Technology of Silicates” are designed according to the Layout of the article. Layout of the article can be downloaded on the website of the journal.

The volume of the article (including formulas, tables, figures, bibliographic list, captions to figures and tables) should be from 5 to 8 pages of printed text, designed in accordance with the following requirements.

The articles are submitted in doc or docx format A-4, portrait orientation, margins: top and bottom - 1.1 cm; side margins - 1.6 cm, font size - Times New Roman. The font size of the main text - 10, line spacing - single line, paragraph - 0.5 cm, width alignment, hyphenation only in the text of the article - “auto”, in the title of the article hyphenation of words is not allowed.

The article is submitted in Russian and English on the journal's website or by e-mail to the journal info@tsilicates.ru. The article file should contain an abstract, keywords (5-8 words), the text of the article with the title, surnames and data of the authors, as well as a list of references. The title of the file should contain the words Article TTS followed by the surname of the first author, month and year of submission in MMGY format (e.g., Article TTS Ivanov- 0923.docx).

The abstract should contain from 100 to 250 words. The abstract should include: description of the object of research, methods of research, main scientific results and give the reader an idea of the content of the article without familiarizing with the full text. The text of the original and translated abstract may differ.

According to the IMRAD standard, an article should contain the following elements:

- Introduction, which formulates the relevance of the research and describes the object of research. A review of the world literature with the indication of researchers, on the results of which the work is based, as well as confirming the lack of solutions to this problem in the literature. Based on the conducted literature analysis, the aim and objectives of the study are formulated.

- Materials and Methods. This section describes the materials in detail, gives their chemical, mineralogical, particle size distribution, etc., and describes the chosen research methods. The method should be described in such a way that it can be reproduced.

- Results and discussion. It is recommended to present the results mainly in the form of tables, graphs and other illustrations. This section includes analysis of the results obtained, their interpretation, comparison with the results of other authors.

The formulas should be executed in the built-in formula editor MS Word. Greek and Russian letters should be typed in straight type, Latin letters - in italics (in chemical formulas for chemical elements - in straight type). Formulas are placed in the center of the page. If there are references to formulas in the text, numbering is required (on the right). It is not allowed to insert formulas in the form of a figure!

The table is formed in Word (Excel is not allowed) and should not extend beyond the page boundaries. The font in the table is 9 pt (table alignment - “centered”, indentation - “none”, cell alignment - “centered”). It is not allowed to insert the table as a figure!

The illustrations should be presented in the form of figures and graphs with high resolution (300 dpi) in jpeg, png format. The figure and its caption should be inserted into the text of the article, caption font is 9 pt. Graphs generated in Excel or other data processing program are inserted into the text as a picture without linking to the program. Figures and captions are duplicated in separate files.

- Conclusion. This section briefly summarizes the results of the scientific research or provides numbered conclusions summarizing the main scientific results of the article.  Conclusions should logically correspond to the objectives set at the beginning of the article.

- Acknowledgments or acknowledgements, optional section.

- Reference.       The list of references for a scientific article should include at least 15-25 scientific publications available to a wide range of readers, including English-language publications. The list of literature for the review article should include at least 25-50 scientific publications available to a wide range of readers, including English-language. The composition of sources should be relevant and contain at least 60% of articles from scientific journals not older than 10 years. Within the limitation of self-citation, the sources should not include more than 10% of sources authored or co-authored by the authors of the article.

Formatting of the list of references. The author provides the list of references in two versions: in Russian and in English.

The list of references in Russian should be formatted in accordance with GOST 7.0.5-2008. The list of references is compiled in the order of mentioning. The number of the source in the text is enclosed in square brackets. The text of the article should contain references to all sources from the reference list.

The list of references in Latin includes transliteration and translation of sources and is arranged in accordance with the requirements according to the following principles. A period is used as a separator in the description. The title of the source is italicized. The symbol No. is used to indicate the issue of the journal, Vol. is used to indicate the volume, p. or Pp. is used to indicate the pages.

For Russian-language sources, the title of the article is translated into English, and the title of the publication itself is transliterated. The title of the journal is always italicized.

If an article has a DOI, it must be indicated. The name of the city, publication is given in full, in English spelling. The names of journals and publishers are given either in official English (if available) or transliterated. At the end of the source description, the language of the source (in Russian) is indicated in parentheses.

The data on the authors are given at the end of the article in Russian and English. They include surname, first name and patronymic (in full), position, name of the organization, academic degree and title (if any), e-mail.

Contact information (phone number, e-mail and work address) is indicated in the author's card. The author's card is filled out separately for each author (download on the website).

The editors of the journal “Technique and Technology of Silicates” are committed to maintaining high standards through rigorous peer review and strict ethical policies. The editors take any violations of professional ethical standards such as plagiarism, fraudulent use of data, fictitious claims of authorship very seriously.

The editors of the journal “Technique and Technology of Silicates” follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Code of Conduct and COPE flowcharts to resolve instances of alleged misconduct.

The editors of the journal “Technique and Technology of Silicates” complies with the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors. The editors of the journal “Technique and Technology of Silicates” follow the COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

The editors of the journal “Technique and Technology of Silicates” adheres to the International standards for editors and authors, the recommendations of The European Association of Science Editors (EASE), Guidelines for retracting articles and COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers.

All participants of the process (authors, reviewers, members of the editorial board, editors of the publishing house) of preparing materials for publication in the journal “Technique and Technology of Silicates” - must follow the standards of publication ethics. Authors should be aware of possible conflicts of interest and in such a case authors can still take responsibility for the accuracy of their article. In cases where it is suspected that any of the described principles have been violated, the editorial team of the publisher will follow COPE's instructions.

All scientific articles submitted to the editorial office of the journal “Technique and Technology of Silicates” undergo technical expertise and reviewing.

Technical expertise takes 3-4 working days, during which the article is checked for:

- correspondence to the thematic directions of the journal;

- plagiarism;

- quality of design;

- availability of a complete set of documents.

An article may be returned for revision or rejected if the requirements for technical expertise are violated. After the technical expertise, the article is sent for review.

The articles are reviewed by members of the editorial board, leading scientists and recognized experts in the relevant field of knowledge from various universities of the Russian Federation. The decision to choose one or another reviewer for reviewing an article is made by the Editor-in-Chief. In case the Editorial Board has no possibility to involve a specialist of the proper level in the field of knowledge to which the content of the manuscript belongs, the Editorial Board addresses the author with a proposal to provide a list of specialists who could perform the review at the proper level.

It takes at least three weeks for the reviewers to review the article.

After correcting the reviewer's comments, the author sends the corrected text of the article to the editorial office of the journal.

The main publishing costs are borne by IE Samchenko S.V.

Authors are charged a mandatory fee for the preparation and publication of materials that have received a favorable opinion of reviewers and the editorial board of the journal.

All the articles submitted for publication in the Journal of Silicate Engineering and Technology undergo a rigorous and thorough peer review process. The review process is blind. If a manuscript is accepted for full review, it will be checked by at least two external reviewers.

Submitted articles undergo a detailed initial review, including a plagiarism check, by the editorial board. The Editor-in-Chief together with the Editorial Board is responsible for the review process. It starts with a preliminary review by the editor (ends no more than 3 days after manuscript submission), after which the article is submitted to the reviewer.

If there is a conflict of interest, the Reviewer shall warn the editorial office about it before starting work with the article.

The reviewer does not transfer information about the article and the data it contains to third parties.

The reviewer does not use the information obtained from the article for personal and commercial purposes.

After acceptance of the manuscript for full review, the editor collects at least two reviews and prepares a decision letter based on the reviewers' comments (finalized not more than 3 weeks after the preliminary review). The decision letter is sent to the author in charge of correspondence, requesting an appropriate revision (re-reviewed if necessary). The author will be asked to format the manuscript according to the article layout before it is submitted to the publisher for typesetting and proofreading. The author will receive the article in PDF format, created by the journal editorial team, for checking before it is published online.

The Journal “Technique and Technology of Silicates” makes great efforts to provide quality service include a number of steps such as editing, proofreading, quality assurance, website maintenance, plagiarism checking and many other aspects. Article processing fees justify the work that needs to be done before any manuscript is accepted for publication.

The Journal “Technique and Technology of Silicates” is a separate organization and does not receive any funding from any institution/government. A peer-reviewed, edited and formatted manuscript ready for publication requires a processing fee. The functioning of the journal is supported by the funds received in the form of subscription and publication registration fees received from the authors. The fees cover the costs of journal production, web hosting, CMS, database, online repository, archiving, reviewing, editing, and our staff expenses, salaries, internet services, electricity, etc.

The Journal “Technique and Technology of Silicates” has established a registration fee for article submission.

The amount of the registration fee is:

1. When paid by an individual - 15000 (ten thousand) rubles

2. If paid by a legal entity - 20000 (twenty thousand) rubles

If there is a need for additional processing of illustrations, graphs, etc., as well as translation of the article into English, the author may be billed for this work.

Publication fees can be paid through different channels. It can be paid by authors, research institutes or funding agencies on behalf of authors.


The registration fee can be paid via the following details:

Name of the organization: Individual entrepreneur SAMCHENKO SVETLANA VASILIEVNA

Organization TIN: 772831487408

Current account number: 40802810938000236348

Name of the bank: PJSC Sberbank

Correspondent account: 30101810400000000225

BIK: 044525225

The print run of the magazine is distributed by subscription: Russian Post (Subscription index in the unified catalog “Press of Russia” - 87947); LLC “Agency for Distribution of Foreign Publications - ARZI”

For questions on purchasing individual issues can contact the editorial office.

The cost of one copy of the magazine is 3500 rubles.

Forwarding of an author's copy within Russia - 300 rubles, to neighboring countries - depending on the cost of postal services

Issue: 4 number a year

Full texts of archived journals are provided in open access.

Full texts of works in paid access are provided for issues from 2019 onwards

                        Afanas’ev D A
Afanas’ev D A Research Organization Sibur-Tomskneftekhim

                        Barantseva S E
Barantseva S E Belorusskiy gosudarstvennyy tehnologicheskiy universitet

                        Bardin N G
Bardin N G JSC «Scientific research Institute of structural materials based on graphite «Niigrafit», Moscow

                        Bardin N G
Bardin N G JSC «Scientific research Institute of structural materials based on graphite «Niigrafit», Moscow

                        Bardin N G
Bardin N G JSC «Scientific research Institute of structural materials based on graphite «Niigrafit», Moscow

                        Barinova O P
Barinova O P Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia

                        Barinova O P
Barinova O P D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia

                        Baskakov P S
Baskakov P S Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University, Belgorod

                        Begak M V
Begak M V Saint-Petersburg Research Centre for Environmental Safety, Saint Petersburg

                        Bezmenov A I
Bezmenov A I Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia

                        Beinarovich O F
Beinarovich O F JSC «NPO Stekloplastik», Moscow

                        Beletskii B I
Beletskii B I D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow

                        Belimova O A
Belimova O A Voskresenskiy filial Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo otkrytogo universiteta, Moskovskaya obl

                        Belimova O A
Belimova O A Branch of Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI) in Voskresensk

                        Belyakov A V
Belyakov A V D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow

                        Belyakov A V
Belyakov A V D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow

                        Berdov G I
Berdov G I Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sibstrin)

                        Berdov G I
Berdov G I Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sibstrin)

Editorial Board  — Editorial

Russian Federation
Krivoborodov Yuri  — Chief Editor

Moscow, Russian Federation
Kouznetsova Tamara  — Consulting Editor

Moscow, Russian Federation
Gusev Boris  — Member of the Editorial Board

Russian Federation
Burlov Yuri  — Member of the Editorial Board

Russian Federation
Krasnyi Boris  — Member of the Editorial Board

Russian Federation
Sigaev Vladimir  — Member of the Editorial Board

Russian Federation
Solncev Stanislav  — Member of the Editorial Board

Russian Federation
Belyakov Aleksei  — Member of the Editorial Board

Russian Federation
Bobkova Ninel  — Member of the Editorial Board

Borisov Ivan  — Member of the Editorial Board

Russian Federation
Buryanov Aleksandr  — Member of the Editorial Board

Russian Federation
Vereshchagin Vladimir  — Member of the Editorial Board

Russian Federation
Erofeev Vladimir  — Member of the Editorial Board

Russian Federation
Kurdovski Veslav  — Member of the Editorial Board

Kolesnikov Aleksandr  — Member of the Editorial Board

Kondrashchenko Valerii  — Member of the Editorial Board

Russian Federation
Korshunov Andrei  — Member of the Editorial Board

Russian Federation
Maceevich Tatyana  — Member of the Editorial Board

Russian Federation
Niyazbekova Rimma  — Member of the Editorial Board

Paleari Alberto  — Member of the Editorial Board

Potapova Ekaterina  — Member of the Editorial Board

Russian Federation
Petropavlovskaya Viktoriya  — Member of the Editorial Board

Russian Federation
Samchenko Svetlana  — Member of the Editorial Board
Moscow State (National Research) University of Civil Engineering (Department “Technology of Binders and Concretes”, Professor of the Department)
doctor of technical sciences

Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Sanicki Miroslav  — Member of the Editorial Board

Russian Federation
Ushkov Valentin  — Member of the Editorial Board

Russian Federation
Fedyuk Roman  — Member of the Editorial Board

Russian Federation


Code 2.1.5
Name Строительные материалы и изделия
Code 2.6.14
Name Технология силикатных и тугоплавких неметаллических материалов
Code 2.6.17
Name Материаловедение


Code 66
Name Химическая технология. Химическая промышленность. Пищевая промышленность. Металлургия. Родственные отрасли
Code 69
Name Строительство. Строительные материалы. Строительно-монтажные работы


Code 61.00
Code 67.00
Code 81.09
Name Материаловедение


Code 08.06.01
Name Техника и технологии строительства
Code 08.04.01
Name Строительство
Code 18.02.05
Name Производство тугоплавких неметаллических и силикатных материалов и изделий
Code 18.02.07
Name Технология производства и переработки пластических масс и эластомеров
Code 18.03.02
Name Энерго- и ресурсосберегающие процессы в химической технологии, нефтехимии и биотехнологии
Code 18.04.01
Name Химическая технология


Code 383
Name Строительные материалы и изделия
Code 303
Name Сырье. Материалы. Материаловедение


Code 54
Name Строительство
Code 62
Name Химические науки


Code TEC

Krivoborodov Yu.R.

Academic degree Doctor of Technical Sciences

Academic title Professor,

Education Higher

Work Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia.

Positions 1. Professor

2. Journal " Technique and Technology of Silicates" — editor-in-chief, responsible person

Location Moscow, Russia


The mission of the Journal of Technique and Technology of Silicates is to advance research in the field of silicate engineering and technology, building materials science, on the modern production of building materials and products by publishing high quality research articles, reviews and short communications that report significant advances in the field. We aim to promote the exchange of ideas and knowledge between researchers, engineers, graduate students, postgraduates, doctoral students, young scientists and industry professionals working in academia, industry and government agencies. The journal is committed to maintaining the highest standards of publication quality and ethics, and to ensure fairness, rigor and transparency in the peer review process.

Journal is published since 1994. It publishes relevant materials on the problems of modern production, information on economic and financial issues, science and technology news, reports of new raw materials and products. Journal provides support for students, doctoral students, young scientists and specialists of industry and publishes their works on a wide range of questions of technique and technology of silicates in the first place.

Issue: 4 number a year

Chief Editor
Krivoborodov Yuri
Member of the Editorial Board
Samchenko Svetlana
The contact persons
Editorial Board
+7 (495) 496-60-09
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