Based on natural silicates (halloysite, obsidian) and mineral – dolomite – was synthesized zeolite type of jismondine. Hydrothermal synthesis of zeolite scheduled conducted in autoclaves like «Mory» at 200 ºC and the concentration of the thermal solution NaOH 2 N and the ratio of halloysite, dolomite and obsidian 1:1:1. Phase and chemical composition of the initial, intermediate and final products was determined X-ray, thermographic and X-ray spectral analysis methods. Zeolitic character of the resulting sample is defined calculation of oxygen, the study of de- and rehydration, and cation exchange capacity of the zeolite.
zeolites, jismondine, natural silicates, halloysite, dolomite, obsidian, hydrothermal synthesis
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