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Abstract (English):
The state and ways of development of the cement industry in Russia are considered. It is shown that the transition to complex ecological permissions and application of the best available techniques in the production of cement will allow to reduce environmental pollution.

environmental protection, production of cement, best available techniques, complex ecological permissions
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1. Potapov V. I., Yashina O. N., Borodenok D. O. Obzor cementnoy otrasli stran Tamozhennogo soyu- za // Alitinform. - 2013. - № 3 (30). - S. 14-31.

2. Potapova E. N., Guseva T. V. Razvitie sistem menedzhmenta predpriyatiy cementnoy promyshlennosti s uchetom trebovaniy k energeticheskoy effektivnosti i ekologicheskoy rezul'tativnosti // Aktual'nye voprosy innovacionnoy ekonomiki. - 2013/2014. - № 6 (5). - S. 157-165.

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6. The Commission decision of March 26, 2013 on establishment of the conclusions of the best available methods (BAT) according to the Directive 2010/75/EU of the European parliament and Council for industrial issue for production of cement, lime and a magnesium oxide (2013/163/EU) // Official Journal of the European Union. - 2013. - Vol. 56. - 9 April 2013. - L 100. - P. 1-49.

7. Realizaciya nacional'nogo pilotnogo proekta Respubliki Belarus' «Razrabotka tehnologicheskih normativov i sistemy proizvodstvennogo kontrolya vybrosov zagryaznyayuschih veschestv dlya predpriyatiy cementnoy promyshlennosti» / pod red. O. A. Belogo, V. V. Morozova, E. N. Potapovoy [i dr.]. - Minsk: Al'tiora - Zhivye kraski, 2014. - 448 s.

8. Potapov V. I., Yashina O. N., Borodenok D. O. Overview of the cement industry of the Customs union. Alitinform, 2013, no. 3 (30), pp. 14-31 (in Russian).

9. Potapova E. N., Guseva T. V. Development of management systems of the enterprises of the cement industry with regard to the requirements to energy efficiency and environmental performance. Aktual’nye voprosy innovatsionnoy ekonomiki, 2013/2014, no. 6 (5), pp. 157-165 (in Russian).

10. Council Directive 96/61/EC of 24 September 1996 concerning integrated pollution prevention and con- trol. Official Journal of the European Union, 1996, vol. 39, 10 October 1996, L 257, pp. 0026-0040.

11. Nailuchshie dostupnye tekhnologii i kompleksnye ekologicheskie razresheniya: perspektivy primeneniya v Rossii [The best available technologies and complex ecological permissions: application prospects in Russia], edited by M. V. Begak. Moscow: YurInfoR-Press, 2010, 220 p (in Russian).

12. Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for the Production of Cement, Lime and Magnesium Oxide. Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control. Joint Research Centre. Institute for Prospective Technological Studies Sustainable Production and Consumption Unit European IIPPC Bureau, 2013, 501 p.

13. The Commission decision of March 26, 2013 on establishment of the conclusions of the best available methods (BAT) according to the Directive 2010/75/EU of the European parliament and Council for industrial issue for production of cement, lime and a magnesium oxide (2013/163/EU). Official Journal of the European Union, 2013, vol. 56, 9 April 2013, L 100, pp. 1-49.

14. Realizatsiya natsional’nogo pilotnogo proekta Respubliki Belarus «Razrabotka tekhnologicheskikh nor-mativov i sistemy proizvodstvennogo kontrolya vybrosov zagryaznyayushchikh veshchestv dlya predpriyatiy tsementnoy promyshlennosti» [Implementation of the national pilot project of the Republic of Belarus «Development of technological standards and system for production control of emissions of polluting substances for the enterprises of the cement industry»], edited by O. A. Belyy, V. V. Morozov, E. N. Potapova, et al. Minsk: Al’tiora - Zhivye kraski, 2014, 448 p (in Russian).

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