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Abstract (English):
Showed a sawtooth increase the strength of cement concrete, which is based on stage-superficial hydration changes. The interaction of «cement - water» is performed by stepwise formation in the interfacial zone of transition energy complexes with their development (energy storage), reaching the critical level, the collapse (the appearance of active particles) and fleeting (explosive) chemistry of the phenomenon. Clarified «constructive arrangement» metastable transition complexes, which are dispersed in a certain way on the clinker substrate spatial polymolecular composition tent configuration in terms of the size of about 0.5 microns. Hydration process includes consecutive filling microsurface clinker particles of amorphous silicate with the consequent slowing hardening and the formation of residual surfactant zones detected by microscopy as cylindrical pores and channels in hydrosilicate of the size of 0.3 microns or less. These non-hydrated zone are objects of chemical transformations later, the cause of internal stresses and discharges microconcrete strength (concrete and reinforced concrete as a whole), that requires mandatory accounting in the science of concrete and construction practice.

stage-surface hydration of cement, microconcrete, residual surface-active zone, discharges strength, sawtooth hardening, reliability concrete
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