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Abstract (English):
Physical-mechanical, hydrophysical and tribotechnical characteristics of cement binder modified by the dispersed additive of secondary polyamide are investigated. The optimum composition of the cement-polyamide binder is developed. It was found that when the content in cement-polyamide samples 2,5% of the polymer, the bending strength increases by 34%, the water absorption of samples decreases on average by 28%, the frictional resistance increases more than 3 times. Improving the strength characteristics of cement-polyamide samples is caused by dispersible reinforcing of a mineral matrix due to the activation of adsorption-capable connections of polyamide with a mineral matrix of cement in an alkaline condition at a temperature of 80-85 °С. The average density of cement-polyamide samples slightly decreases with the increase of polymer content in cement-polyamide samples since the true density of polyamide is 3 times less than cement. The obtained cement-polyamide compositions will allow to reduce material consumption, to increase a load-bearing capacity and crack resistance of building constructions working on a bend, to increase wear resistance of coatings, to expand a raw-material base of the construction industry and to improve an environmental situation.

cement binder, secondary polyamide, cement-polymer material, superplasticizer
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