Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The feasibility of using limestone as the main component of cement produced in the Republic of Bashkortostan is investigated. It has been established that the strength characteristics of cement stone are preserved when you replace up to 10 wt. % of cement limestone. Further increase in the share of limestone leads to the strength decrease of samples, mainly due to insufficient content of calcium aluminate in the clinker of local production. Increasing the fineness of cement mixture containing limestone not only helps to preserve the strength of the cement stone, but also provides its reserve. Particles of limestone content in cement with the specific surface area of about 4000 sm2/g is not more than 10 wt. %, play the role of micro-filler, and the strength of such cement exceeds the strength of the original Portland cement.

Portland cement, composition of clinker, limestone additive, fineness of grinding, strength of cement
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