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Abstract (English):
The aim of the study was to establish the influence of the plasticizer based on polycarboxylate on the formation and morphology of the formed hydrated phases. The mechanism of structure formation at the hydration of 12CaO∙7Al2O3 in the presence of the plasticizer, which consists of the formation of fine poorly crystallized hexagonal crystals of calcium aluminate hydrate. The presence of the superplasticizer in the composition gidratirovana calcium aluminate slows down the nucleation and growth of crystalline hydrates-formed on the surface of the partition liquid and solid phases of the film, creating structural and mechanical barrier, which leads to slow saturation of the liquid phase, but contributes to the formation of a larger number of crystallization centers and the concurrent growth of small crystals as hexagonal and cubic habit.

calcium aluminate, crystal hydrate morphology and formation, hexagonal and cubic of calcium aluminate hydrate, recrystallization, plasticizer
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