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Abstract (English):
Possible options are considered, the look and color schemes of a decorative layer of multilayered silicate composite heat-insulating and decorative material is chosen. As a result of a research the spektrofotometricheskikh of characteristics of a decorative layer of multilayered silicate composite heat-insulating and decorative material optimum amounts of the dyes necessary for creation of a decorative layer of the set color are established: chromic green antrakhinonovy - 0,10 mas. %; the oxide is lame technical, the OHP-1 brand - 1,00 mas. %; a pigment blue ftalotsianinovy - 0,15 mas. %; a pigment red iron oxide - 1,50 mas. %; the pigment is yellow iron oxide, the Zh-0 brand - 1,00 mas. %; a pigment cadmium orange - 1,50 mas. %.

multilayered silicate composite material, cellular glass, the granulated porous filler, decorative layer, color, spektrofotometric characteristics
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