The paper considers the proposals for the creation of a bulk periodic matrix (MFT) of chemical elements. The authors consider the work to be an extension of the Periodic System of Chemical Elements. Mendeleev University. The proposed representation of the matrix in the form of a volume-frame spiral is considered by analogy with the origin and development of the Universe, since atoms are star matter. As atomic parameters are taken atomic number of elements, their group and electronic properties, periodic increase of valence. The level formulas of the electronic shells of signal and valence elements determine the special points of nucleation of new periods. The state was formulate that there are the volume periodicity and the presence of four levels of volume periodicity in the proposed Volume-frame matrix, which opens the possibility of computer modeling in the creation of chemical compounds.
dimensional periodic matrix of chemical elements, informativity of three-dimensional models, matrix frame system, sequence number of elements, valence, electronic formulas and matrix properties, signal and valence elements, volume periodicity of systems
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