The method of introduction of fine-milled blast-furnace granulated slag (DGS) into the cement composition as a result of dry mixing of the material with the additive is considered. Fine-milled slag was obtained in a vortex jet mill with the upper limit of grinding to 1 and 20 microns (slag 1, slag 2, respectively). The granulometric composition of slag 1 and 2 is determined. It was found that the predominant size in slag 1 is 0.5-1 µm; in slag 2 - 1 - 7 mcm. Fine-milled slag (slag 1, slag 2) was introduced into the cement, containing in its composition as an active mineral additive 15% DGS (particle size - 40-60 microns), in an amount of 1, 3, 5% of the cement content. The aim of the study was to study the effect of the addition of fine slag on the construction, physical, mechanical, structural characteristics of cement with mineral additives. The terms of setting were studied, the normal density of the cement paste with the addition of fine slag was determined. Dependences of strength and porosity of cement stone on the time of hydration of samples are constructed. Strength of cements was determined by the national standard GOST 30744-2001. The porosity of cement stone was determined by the method of saturation of samples with inert liquid. It is established that the introduction of 3 - 5% slag 1 and 1 - 3% slag 2 provide increased strength of the cement stone during the first day of hardening on average, 37 to 44%; in the branded age of 26 - 30 %, reduction of porosity by 17 - 28%. It is shown that the introduction of a fine-milled slag additive compacts and strengthens the structure of cement stone. It was found that grinding DGS to a size of 1 µm (slag 1) is impractical, because. the obtained results are comparable with the results of the introduction of slag 2 into the cement composition.
fine-milled slag, granulometric composition, cement stone, strength, porosity, degree of hydration
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