Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents experimental data on the selection of compositions and technological methods to obtain thermal insulation materials based on foamed and volumetrically cured liquid glass and wollastonite. The factors, which affect such material properties as thermal conductivity, strength, apparent density and porosity, are considered. Using the method of mathematical analysis, the degree of influence of these factors on the properties of the material is estimated. It was found that the coefficient of foaming is 4 and the content of wollastonite in the mass of 22-23% can be obtained materials with coefficient of thermal conductivity, less than 0.1 W/(m•K) at strength of 2 - 3.5 MPa. These materials will be competitive in the thermal insulation market, because the technology of their production is quite simple and they are absolutely not flammable, durable, and corrosion-resistant. We set ourselves the task to obtain thermal insulation material with a thermal conductivity, less than 0.1 W/(m⋅K) at strength 1-2 MPa. As a result, with coefficient of foaming is 4 and wollastonite content in the mass of 23%, we achieved the desired thermal properties and the strength was approximately 3.5 MPa, which gives us reason to continue to optimize the compositions, reducing the amount of wollastonite to acceptable strength values, but also reducing coefficient of thermal conductivity.

liquid glass, wollastonite, foaming agent, coefficient of foaming, coefficient of thermal conductivity, porosity, density

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