UDK 666.3/.7 Керамическая промышленность
GRNTI 61.35 Технология производства силикатных и тугоплавких неметаллических материалов
The purpose of these studies is to determine the possibility of using drill cuttings from the oil fields of the Southern Fed-eral District as a source for the production of ceramic ordinary bricks with their maximum content in the initial mixture to take into account their physical and chemical properties. The objects of study were: drill cuttings from the Slavyanskoye oil field (Krasnodar region) and clay (VKV-2) from of the Vladimirskiy quarry (Rostov region). Based on the research results, a working hypothesis has been formulated, which is that complex processing of the composition of the mineral component of drilling waste and plastic clay at the stages of preparation, molding, and drying ensures, under low-temperature firing conditions, compliance of the physical and chemical properties of brick with the requirements of GOST 530–2018 and their preservation during long-term operation
technogenic waste, drill cuttings, clay, ordinary brick, raw material mixture
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