UDK 666.1.002.67 Побочные результаты. Побочная продукция стекольной промышленности
UDK 666.1.002.68 Отходы. Остатки. Брак стекольной промышленности
GRNTI 61.35 Технология производства силикатных и тугоплавких неметаллических материалов
To date, the issue of handling toxic unsorted waste of cathode ray tubes (CRT) glass cullet remains relevant. The present paper proposes to replace part of the fine aggregate of cellular concrete intended for sound, heat or radiation protection with CRT glass waste heat-treated in the presence of a sodium hydroxide solution. The purpose of the research is to study the structure formation of the cellular concrete pores in case of replacement of part of the aggregate. The microscopy of the samples fracture was studied both visually and using software that made it possible to estimate the pore size when convert-ing the image to the relief mode. The study showed that the aggregate replacement results not only in quantitative changes in pore size, but also in qualitative changes related to the mechanism of the pore structure formation. Thus, when adding unsorted waste heat-treated in an alkaline environment, with a particle diameter of no more than 630 μm, there was a decrease in pore size and a decrease in size distribution compared with the reference sample. The changes are caused by structure formation, which can be divided into two stages - the formation of conglomerates and their swelling. With a decrease in the diameter of the part of the waste of a maximum size of 90 μm, a decrease in the pore size was recorded compared to the reference value, but due to the concrete skeleton formation before the end of gas development, destruction of the pore walls was observed.
cellular concrete, glass cullet, cathode ray tube, pore structure, kinescope waste
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