UDK 666.948.2 Глиноземистый цемент, полученный спеканием
GRNTI 61.35 Технология производства силикатных и тугоплавких неметаллических материалов
GRNTI 81.09 Материаловедение
The mechanism of structure formation during hydration of duodecalcium semialuminate in the presence of plasticizer is considered. The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of polycarboxylate-based plasticizer on the formation and morphology of the hydrate phases formed. The object of the study was the mineral duodecalcium semialuminate 12CaO-7Al2O3 of stable alpha forms, having cubic syngony and plasticizer on polycarboxylate basis. The structure of cement stone was studied using X-ray phase and electron microscopic analysis. The mechanism of structure formation during hydration of duodecalcium semialuminate 12CaO∙7Al2O3 in the presence of plasticizer is presented, which consists in the formation of finely dispersed poorly crystallized hexagonal crystals of calcium hydroaluminate. The presence of superplasticizer in the composition of hydrated calcium aluminate slows down the nucleation and growth of crystalline hydrates due to the film formed on the surface of the interface between liquid and solid phases, creating a structural and mechanical barrier, which leads to slower saturation of the liquid phase, but promotes the formation of a greater number of crystallization centers and simultaneous growth of small crystals of both hexagonal and cubic habitus.
duodecalcium semialuminate, formation and morphology of crystal hydrates, hexagonal calcium hydroaluminates, cubic calcium hydroaluminates, recrystallization, plasticizer
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