UDK 666.9.04 Термическая обработка, обжиг,кальцинирование и т. д.
GRNTI 61.35 Технология производства силикатных и тугоплавких неметаллических материалов
The article discusses the production of calcium-aluminoferrite clinker (cement) from a three-component mixture (by sin-tering), where 56.2-57.4 wt.% of the mixture consists of aluminum– and iron-containing man-made waste. It was found that the use of man-made waste as a component of the raw material mixture leads to a decrease in the amount of waste generat-ed by 4.9-5.4%, based on the production of 300,000 tons of calcium-alumoferrite cement per year. The results of qualitative and quantitative X–ray phase analysis of the clinkers obtained are presented, which indicate the formation of calcium aluminates (CA,C3A,C12A7), calcium aluminoferrite(Ca2(Al,Fe)2O5) and calcium silicate (α-, β-C2S) as the main clinker phases in all samples. Clinker phases of aluminate and calcium aluminoferrite are formed not in pure form, but with the introduction of impurity elements (Mg2+, Ti4+). Determination of the hydration activity of CAFC showed that the quantitative ratio of clinker phases CA:Ca2(Al,Fe)2O5 = 38.8:33.8 (CAFC I) and CA:Ca2(Al,Fe)2O5 = 27.6:23.9 (CAFC II) leads to an increase in the strength of cement stone in the initial periods of hardening by 48 and 32 MPa, and in later periods (28 days) - to an increase in strength by 28 and 8 MPa, respectively.
technogenic materials, calcium-alumoferrite cement, phase composition, calcium aluminates, calcium aluminoferrite, energy and resource conservation
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