UDK 691.32 Бетоны. Бетонные и железобетонные изделия
GRNTI 67.09 Строительные материалы и изделия
OKSO 08.06.01 Техника и технологии строительства
BBK 383 Строительные материалы и изделия
TBK 6367 Экология и экономика природопользования
Under the current trend of construction of incinerator power plants in Vietnam, research aimed at solving the problem of utilization of their ash and slag waste is necessary to create a closed-cycle economy. In addition, mass extraction of natural quartz sand negatively affects the ecological situation in the country. The most realistic way out of this situation is the use of synthetic sand as a fine aggregate. The purpose of this study was to obtain heavy concrete using ash and slag waste from incinerator power plant and artificial sand. The article presents the results of experimental research on the use of ash and slag waste from the Green Star incinerator for heavy concrete. Portland cement type CEM I 42,5 H of “But Son” plant, the synthetic sand obtained by limestone crushing, limestone crushed stone of 5 ÷ 10 mm fraction, fly ash, the finely ground bottom slag, the ceramic powder and water-reducing superplasticizer were used as raw materials for concrete production. The results of research showed the possibility of using up to 20% wt. % of the fly ash and the finely ground bottom ash for the production of the heavy concrete. The received concrete mixture has good workability, its mobility on cone settlement makes from 15 to 20 cm, and com-pressive strength of hardened concrete after 28 days makes more than 40 MPa. The obtained results open wide prospects for the use of ash and slag waste from incinerator in construction in Vietnam.
incineration plants, ash and slag waste, artificial sand, concrete mix, heavy concrete, workability, average density, water absorption, compressive strength
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