Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Rational use of secondary energy resources (SER) is currently given special attention. In this regard, a promising and actively developing technology of industrial waste utilization is the deposition technology. This technology consists in adding construction waste to the composition of new materials. As a result, completely new modifications of materials with improved characteristics are obtained. An acute problem is the shortage of raw lightweight components of construction mixtures on the market. Such mixtures are necessary to produce materials with high thermal insulation properties. These materials not only increase the level of comfort of living in buildings, but also due to lower density, create less load on the load-bearing structures of buildings. The use of such materials is very important for saving material and energy resources. Hollow glass microspheres are widely used as light fillers of raw material mixtures of building materials. The paper considers the physical and chemical properties of glass microsphere production wastes for the purpose of their use as micro fillers for lightweight concrete and other building materials. It is shown that these wastes have density and specific surface area comparable and even much lower than the density of traditional disperse fillers. It is established that glass microspheres production wastes can serve as an excellent raw material for lightweight concrete production. Their introduction into the composition of raw material mixtures will contribute to the reduction of costs for the extraction of natural resources and energy for their processing.

glass microsphere production wastes, density, specific surface area, properties

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