UDK 666.9.046 Процессы и способы термической обработки: кальцинирование, дегидратация, сушка и т. д.
GRNTI 61.35 Технология производства силикатных и тугоплавких неметаллических материалов
OKSO 18.02.05 Производство тугоплавких неметаллических и силикатных материалов и изделий
BBK 303 Сырье. Материалы. Материаловедение
TBK 6364 Отраслевая и прикладная экология
The kinetics of mineral formation in the synthesis of sulfoaluminate clinker using industrial waste as raw materials has been studied. The use of industrial waste makes it possible to synthesize high-quality sulfoaluminate clinker and cement based on it. Various physico-chemical analysis methods have shown a change in the amount of calcium sulfoaluminate and mayenite formed during the firing of raw mitures at temperatures of 1250, 1300 and 1350 ° for 30, 60 and 90 minutes. A kinetic analysis of the mineral formation process was carried out using 12 kinetic equations, which made it possible to es-timate the reaction rate of clinker formation and optimize the synthesis process. The dependences between the rate of for-mation of clinker mineral phases and various parameters of the reaction mixture have been experimentally established. The results obtained can be used to improve the technological processes for the production of sulfoaluminate clinkers based on waste and reduce energy consumption for this process.
sulfoaluminate clinker, energy efficiency, X-ray phase analysis, mineral formation
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