Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the process of sublimation of fluorinated compounds formed during the burning of a raw mix with the addition of calcium fluoride. The results of the chemical analysis of the burning products of the raw mix without the use of additives and with the introduction of CaF2 in the amount of 1% and 5% fluorine ions are presented. The results of X-ray phase analysis of the clinkers obtained indicate the formation of the main clinker minerals in all samples. Maps of the distribution of fluorine ions in clinker obtained by scanning electron microscopy allowed us to consider the crystalliza-tion of clinker and determine the crystallization sites of fluorinated compounds. The temperature range of the fluorine sub-lima-tion process during clinker burning is considered in detail and determined using a complex thermal analysis combined with a mass spectrometer demonstrating the process of fluorine volatilization from the burning product with simultaneous mass loss. The presence of fluorine ions in the synthesized clinkers was confirmed, including in the form of CaF2, which did not react to the formation of clinker minerals, as well as its sublimation during burning and cooling of the clinker.

mineralizer, calcium fluoride, fluorine sublimation, clinker burning, distribution of fluorine ions

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