Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The influence of supramolecular structures on the optical characteristics of polymers is considered. Studies of fluorine-containing acrylic polymers with fluorine-containing electro-optical chromophores in the side chain have shown that they should have a fibrillar supramolecular structure. The preservation of the fibrillar structure determines the technical condi-tions (temperature range) for the operation of high-speed integrated optical modulators and switches. The polymers con-sidered in the work were divided into three types according to the degree of polarization kp: polymers for which kp1 = 1.39; polymers with kp2 = <1.17>; polymers with kp3 = 1.003. To calculate nonlinear optical characteristics, the Jepsen equation was used. The possibility of calculating the polarizability of a polymer x from experimental values of the dielec-tric constant εexp is shown. The approach being developed can be used in medicine and biology to analyze the functioning of neurons (tubulin protein) and identify the causes of age-related changes in human memory. The latter is due to plastici-zation of tubulin and disruption of its fibrillar structure over time at brain temperature.

dielectric constant, polarizability, supramolecular structures, neuron, tubulin, chromophores.

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