Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The growth of production and improvement of technologies in various industries stipulates the need for materials that ensure the durability of thermal unit linings. This is predetermined by the need to create high-alumina cements (HAC) despite the suc-cesses achieved in the field of expanding their range and improving their quality, i.e. their creation is an important and actual task. Among the various directions of research on improving the technical properties of HAC, the researcher’s attention is at-tracted by the influence of changing the technological parameters on the processes of cement clinker formation. Among such pa-rameters, special attention is paid to the chemical composition of the raw material mixture, its homogeneity, firing temperature, cooling rate, introduction of various additives, etc. The question of refractory properties of high-alumina cement is also dis-cussed. A separate issue is the refractory properties of high-alumina cements. The task of this study was to consider the physico-chemical and technical properties of aluminate cements and to establish the main problems and prospects for the use of alumi-nate cements for the production of non-molded refractories. Improvement of heat-resistant properties of non-formed refractories based on aluminate cements can be provided by the introduction of more refractory additives into the raw material mixture dur-ing clinker firing. However, in this case, formation of hydration inactive compounds in the cement composition can be expected, which can lead to a decrease in cement strength. The methodological basis is the analysis of literature data on the search, synthe-sis and application of refractory additives for aluminate cements. The result of the study was the identification of the list of addi-tives providing higher heat-resistant properties of non-formed refractories based on aluminate cements. The most promising and the most demanded at present is the use of zirconium compounds in combination with a mineralizer for firing. The importance of large-scale scientific research in this area is also substantiated.

unmolded refractories, aluminate cements, high alumina cement, strength, refractoriness, refractory additives, zirconium compounds

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