Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 691.3 Искусственные камни. Бетоны. Искусственные строительные материалы различного состава
GRNTI 67.09 Строительные материалы и изделия
OKSO 08.06.01 Техника и технологии строительства
BBK 383 Строительные материалы и изделия
The production of concrete mix is inevitably associated with the formation of sludge water, which has an impact on the environ-ment. The technology of recycling concrete mix allows you to use not only slurry water from the production of ready-mixed con-crete, but also to obtain a highly dispersed organomineral modifier (OMD) based on dehydrated sludge, obtained by fine grind-ing in a ball mill. A modifier was obtained by grinding in a ball mill for 2.5 hours with a specific surface area of 15657 cm2/g. The introduction of a dry polycarboxylate plasticizer in an amount of 0.025% made it possible to reduce the grinding time in the mill to 1 hour and obtain a specific surface area equal to 16227 cm2/g. The chemical composition of the organomineral modifier and the basic properties of cement paste in the presence of OMD are investigated. An increase in the normal density of the cement paste by 2.4%, an acceleration of the setting time and an increase in strength in the initial hardening periods were found. It is shown that the introduction of slurry water with mixing water in an amount of 5% into the concrete mixture does not lead to a decrease in strength parameters. The introduction of OMD based on slurry water in an amount of 10% does not adversely affect the technological properties and slightly increases the strength of concrete at the age of 28 days. The resulting modifier, partici-pating in the resource-saving cycle and possessing such important characteristics, will serve as an alternative to the use of other mineral additives used in the production of self-sealing concretes, will reduce the consumption of raw materials, and the selec-tion of its optimal content will affect changes in the technological and strength properties of concretes.
slurry water, grinding, specific surface area, concrete mix, self-sealing concrete, jrganic-mineral modifier
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