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Abstract (English):
A feature structure of sodium silicate glasses that are used as raw to produce silica fibers by leaching technology is inhomogeneity having a crystalline nature. Recalculation of the full glasses composition (N 23 and N 11) was made into system with two components (Na2O-SiO2). Both glass compositions are in close proximity to alkaline border of metastable phase separation region. This region can actually be wider than the detected optical methods. The calculation by lever rule of compositions of coexisting glass phases for glass N 11 is shown that highly cationic phase forms a matrix and silica forms drops, which are the nuclei of bulk crystallization.

structure of sodium silicate glasses, silica fiber, phase inhomogeneity, metastable phase separation, coexisting phases, lever rule, the chemical composition, volume nucleating agents, scanning electron microscopy
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