Studied solid porous permeable ceramics obtained the selection of granular compositions filled with electrofusion corundum brands F600 (100-120 μm), F360 (40-60 μm) and F120 (10-20 μm). As the reinforcing binders, which was added in an amount of 3 and 5 wt. % in excess of 100%, applied fine powders of corundum (about 2 μm) doped with 0,25 wt. % MgO and a mixture of SiC powders (particle size 3-4 μm), and MgO (particle size1-2 μm) at a ratio of 2:1.Compositions of grainy mass prepared with different ratios of filler at fractions 10-20, 40-60 and 100-120 μm: 40/10/50 and 80/15/5. Samples were pressed by a pressure of 25 MPa and fired at 1450, 1500 and 1550 °С. The flexural strength of sintered samples varied from 5,7 to 36 MPa, open porosity - from 28,5 to 43,7%, and the gas permeability coefficient for compositions with a binder of systems SiC-MgO (2:1) - from 0,93 to 1,7 μm2 and binder of Al2O3 (MgO) - 1,62 to 0,9 μm2. The resulting perspective ceramics for use as filters and membranes of ceramic substrates.
ceramics, open porosity, strength, grainy powders, electrofusion corundum, ceramic filters, gas permeability
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